Infiniti QX: Starting and driving - Infiniti QX Owner's ManualInfiniti QX: Starting and driving

Troubleshooting guide
The system should respond correctly to all voice commands without difficulty. If problems are encountered, follow the solutions given in this guide for the appropriate error. Where the solutions ...

Precautions when starting and driving
WARNING ► Do not leave children or adults who would normally require the support of others alone in your vehicle. Pets should not be left alone either. They could accidentally injure ...

See also:

Tire pressure monitoring system (yellow)
Illuminates when one or more tires are significantly under-inflated. Stop the vehicle as soon as possible, check the tire pressures and inflate to the recommended pressure. ...

Engine Oil Messages
CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON This message displays when the engine oil needs to be changed. When you change the engine oil, be sure to reset the CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON message. See Engine Oil Life System ...

Using the TIREFIT kit
You can use the TIREFIT kit to seal small punctures, particularly those in the tire tread. You can use TIREFIT at outside temperatures down to -4 °F (-20 °C). WARNING   TIREFIT is a ...