Mercedes-Benz GL-Class: Safety systems - Display messages - On-board computer and displays - Mercedes-Benz GL-Class Owner's ManualMercedes-Benz GL-Class: Safety systems

Display messages

Manual Unavailable See Operator's Manual

Possible causes/consequences and Solutions

Risk of accident

ABS (Anti-lock Braking System), ESP® (Electronic Stability Program), BAS (Brake Assist), PRE-SAFE®, hill start assist and ESP® trailer stabilization are temporarily not available.
In addition, the light up in warning lamps light up in the instrument cluster.
The self-diagnosis function might not be complete, for example.
The brake system continues to function normally, but without the functions listed above. The wheels could therefore lock if you brake hard, for example.
Carefully drive a suitable distance making slight steering movements at a speed above 12 mph (20 km/h).
If the display message disappears, the functions mentioned above are available again.
If the display message continues to be displayed:
Drive on carefully.
Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

Risk of accident

ABS, ESP®, BAS, PRE-SAFE®, hill start assist and ESP® trailer stabilization are temporarily not available.
In addition, thelight up in warning lamps light up in the instrument cluster.
For example, the on-board voltage may be insufficient.
The brake system continues to function normally, but without the functions listed above. The wheels could therefore lock if you brake hard, for example.
Drive on carefully.
If the display message disappears, the functions mentioned above are available again.
If the display message continues to be displayed:
Drive on carefully.
Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

Display messages

Operator's Manual Inoperative See Operator's Manual

Possible causes/consequences and Solutions

Risk of accident

ABS, ESP®, BAS, PRE-SAFE®, hill start assist and ESP® trailer stabilization are not available due to a malfunction.
The (Canada only),  warning lamps in (USA only)/(Canada only),  warning lamps in (Canada only), the instrument cluster also light up. warning lamps in the instrument cluster also light up.
The brake system continues to function normally, but without the functions listed above. The wheels could therefore lock if you brake hard, for example.
Drive on carefully.
Visit a qualified specialist workshop immediately.

Display messages

Operator's Manual  Unavailable See Operator's Manual

Possible causes/consequences and Solutions

Risk of accident

ESP®, PRE-SAFE® and BAS, hill start assist and ESP® trailer stabilization are temporarily not available.

In addition, the light up in the warning lamps light up in the instrument cluster.
The self-diagnosis function might not be complete, for example.
The brake system continues to function normally, but without the functions listed above.
Carefully drive on a suitable stretch of road, making slight steering movements, at a speed above 20 km/h.

If the display message disappears, ESP® is available again.
If the display message disappears, the functions mentioned above are available again.
If the display message continues to be displayed:
Drive on carefully.
Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

ESP®, PRE-SAFE® and BAS, hill start assist and ESP® trailer stabilization are temporarily not available.
In addition, the light up in the warning lamps light up in the instrument cluster.
For example, the on-board voltage may be insufficient.

The brake system continues to function normally, but without the functions listed above.
Drive on carefully.
Visit a qualified specialist workshop immediately.
If the display message is shown while the vehicle is in motion and the electronic traction system is warning lamp flashes, the electronic traction system is deactivated. Otherwise, the brakes on the drive wheels could overheat.
Let the brakes cool down until the display message disappears and theThe electronic traction system is active again. warning lamp goes out.
The electronic traction system is active again.

Display messages

Operator's Manual Inoperative See Operator's Manual

Possible causes/consequences and Solutions

Risk of accident

ESP®, PRE-SAFE® and BAS, hill start assist and ESP® trailer stabilization are not available due to a malfunction.
In addition, the light up in the warning lamps light up in the instrument cluster.
The brake system continues to function normally, but without the functions listed above.
Drive on carefully.
Visit a qualified specialist workshop immediately.

Display messages

Operator's Manual Inoperative See Operator's Manual

Possible causes/consequences and Solutions

Risk of accident

EBD (electronic brake force distribution), ABS, ESP®, BAS, PRE-SAFE®, hill start assist and ESP® trailer stabilization are not available due to a malfunction.
In addition, the light up in warning lamps light up in the instrument cluster and a warning tone sounds.
The brake system continues to function normally, but without the functions listed above. The wheels could therefore lock if you brake hard, for example.
Drive on carefully.
Visit a qualified specialist workshop immediately.

Display messages

Possible causes/consequences and ► Brake Wear

Possible causes/consequences and Solutions

The brake pads/linings have reached their wear limit.
Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

Display messages

(Canada only) (USA only)

Release Parking Brake (Canada only)

Release Parking Brake

Possible causes/consequences and Solutions

You are driving with the parking brake applied. A warning tone also sounds.
Release the parking brake

Display messages

(Canada only) (USA only)

Check Brake Fluid (Canada only)

Check Brake Fluid Level

Possible causes/consequences and Solutions

Risk of accident

There is not enough brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir.

Additionally, the red (Canada only) (USA only)/ warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster and a warning (Canada only) warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster and a warning tone sounds.
Pull over and stop the vehicle safely as soon as possible, paying attention to road and traffic conditions. Do not continue driving under any circumstances.
Engage the parking brake.
Consult a qualified specialist workshop.
Do not add brake fluid. This will not correct the malfunction.

WARNING Driving with the message Check Brake Fluid Level displayed can result in an 
Driving with the message Check Brake Fluid Level displayed can result in an accident. Have your brake system checked immediately.
Do not add brake fluid before checking the brake system. Overfilling the brake fluid reservoir can result in spilling brake fluid on hot engine parts and the brake fluid catching fire. You can be seriously burned.

Display messages

Inoperative Tele Aid Inoperative

Possible causes/consequences and Solutions

USA only: one or more of the main functions in the mbrace system are malfunctioning.
Canada only: one or more of the main functions of the TELEAID system are malfunctioning.
USA only: have the mbrace system checked at a qualified specialist workshop.
Canada only: have the TELEAID system checked at a qualified specialist workshop.

Display messages

PRE-SAFE Inoperative See Operator's Manual

Possible causes/consequences and Solutions

Risk of injury

Important functions of PRE-SAFE® have failed. All other occupant safety systems, e.g. air bags, remain available.
Visit a qualified specialist workshop immediately

Display messages

Child Seat In Wrong Position See Operator's Manual

Possible causes/consequences and Solutions

Risk of accident

Canada only: front-passenger seat with BabySmart™ air bag deactivation system:
The BabySmart™ child seat is positioned incorrectly.
Install the child seat in the correct position.

Risk of injury

Canada only: front-passenger seat with BabySmart™ air bag deactivation system:
The sensor for the air bag deactivation system is faulty.
Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

Display messages

Restraint Sys.

Malfunction Service Required

Possible causes/consequences and Solutions

Risk of accident

There is a malfunction in the SRS (Supplemental Restraint System).
Visit a qualified specialist workshop immediately.

WARNING In the event a malfunction of the SRS is indicated as outlined above, the SRS 
In the event a malfunction of the SRS is indicated as outlined above, the SRS may not be operational.
For your safety, we strongly recommend that you contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center immediately to have the system checked. Otherwise the SRS may not be activated when needed in an accident, which could result in serious or fatal injury, or it might deploy unexpectedly and unnecessarily which could also result in injury.

Display messages

Front Passenger Airbag Enabled See Operator's Manual

Possible causes/consequences and Solutions

The front-passenger air bag is enabled during the journey, even though:a child, a small adult or an object weighing less than the system's weight threshold is located on the front-passenger seat.
the front-passenger seat is unoccupied.
The system may detect objects or forces applying additional weight on the seat.
Pull over and stop the vehicle safely as soon as possible, paying attention to road and traffic conditions.
Engage the parking brake.
Switch off the ignition.
Open the front-passenger door.
Remove the child and the child restraint system from the frontpassenger seat.
If necessary, secure the child in a child restraint system on a suitable rear seat.
Make sure that no objects are exerting force on the seat, e.g.:
trapped books, bags, etc. lying on, behind or beside the seat
head restraints pressing against the headliner
The system may otherwise detect these forces and interpret the seat occupant's weight as greater than it actually is.

Keep the seat unoccupied, close the front-passenger door and switch on the ignition.
Observe the lamp and the indicator lamp and the multifunction display and check the following:
Seat unoccupied and ignition switched on:
the remain lit. indicator lamp must light up and remain lit.

When the indicator lamp is on, OCS has deactivated the front-passenger air bag.
the Front Passenger Airbag Enabled See Operator's Manual or Front Passenger Airbag Disabled See Operator's Manual display messages must not appear in the multifunction display. Wait for a period of at least 60 seconds until the necessary system checks have been completed and to make sure that the display messages do not appear in the multifunction display.
If these conditions are met, the front-passenger seat can be occupied again. Whether the indicator lamp indicator lamp remains lit or goes out depends on how OCS classifies the occupant.
If the conditions are not met, the system is not operating correctly.

Visit a qualified specialist workshop immediately.

WARNING If the  indicator lamp remains off 
If the even after performing the above corrective steps, do not have any children 12 indicator lamp remains off even after performing the above corrective steps, do not have any children 12 years old and under and other small individuals use the frontpassenger seat until the system has been repaired.

Display messages

Front Passenger Airbag Disabled See Operator's Manual

Possible causes/consequences and Solutions

The front-passenger air bag is deactivated during the journey even though an adult or a person larger than a certain size is occupying the front-passenger seat. If additional forces are applied to the seat, the system may interpret the occupant's weight as lower than it actually is.
Pull over and stop the vehicle safely as soon as possible, paying attention to road and traffic conditions.
Engage the parking brake.
Switch off the ignition.
Have the occupant get out of the vehicle.
Set the seat higher.
Make sure that no objects are exerting force on the seat, e.g.

books, bags etc. lying under, behind or beside the seat.
These forces may otherwise cause the system to detect too low a weight and interpret the seat occupant's weight as less than it actually is.
Keep the seat unoccupied, close the front-passenger door and switch on the ignition.
Observe the lamp and the indicator lamp and the multifunction display and check the following:
Seat unoccupied and ignition switched on:
the remain lit. indicator lamp must light up and remain lit.
When the indicator lamp is on, OCS has deactivated the front-passenger air bag.
the Front Passenger Airbag Enabled See Operator's Manual or Front Passenger Airbag Disabled See Operator's Manual display messages must not appear in the multifunction display. Wait for a period of at least 60 seconds until the necessary system checks have been completed and to make sure that the display messages do not appear in the multifunction display.
If these conditions are met, the front-passenger seat can be occupied again. Whether the indicator lamp indicator lamp remains lit or goes out depends on how OCS classifies the occupant.
If the conditions are not met, the system is not operating correctly.

Visit a qualified specialist workshop immediately.

WARNING If the  indicator lamp 
If the
remains lit with an adult occupant on the front-passenger seat even after indicator lamp remains lit with an adult occupant on the front-passenger seat even after performing the above corrective steps, do not have any passenger use the frontpassenger seat until the system has been repaired.

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