Infiniti QX: Most common factors contributing to vehicle corrosion
► The accumulation of moisture-retaining
dirt and debris in body panel sections,
cavities, and other areas.
► Damage to paint and other protective
coatings caused by gravel and stone
chips or minor traffic accidents.
Environmental factors influence the rate of corrosion
Moisture Accumulation of sand, dirt and water on the vehicle body underside can accelerate corrosion. Wet floor coverings will not dry completely inside the vehicle, and should be removed for ...See also:
Vehicles without extended Off-Road Proengineering package
Basic setting
The extent to which the vehicle is raised or
lowered depends on the basic setting
• Raised level, for driving on normal
• Highway/high-s ...
Meters and gauges
1. Tachometer (P.2-8)
2. Warning/Indicator lights (P.2-11)
3. Speedometer (P.2-7)
4. Engine coolant temperature gauge
5. Voltmeter (P.2-10)
6. Dot matrix liquid crystal display/ ...
Trailer Towing
If the vehicle is a hybrid, see the hybrid supplement for more information.
Do not tow a trailer during break-in. See New Vehicle Break-In for
more information.
The driver ...